Wednesday, February 3, 2016

First Blog Assignment - My Experience with Wine

My experience with wine thus far in my life if pretty limited. As in, I have almost zero experience tasting wine.  I've only had two or three times in my life, enough for me to know that I definitely prefer beer when given the option.  So, I don't really have any particular flavors or types that I prefer over another.  I am excited though to expand my knowledge of wine and to get to try new types of wine.

I do however, have some experience cooking with wine. I really like to cook and so I have used wine for cooking in the past.  I think wine can really add a depth of flavor to certain foods and can be really valuable in the kitchen for uses other than just drinking.

That pretty much sums up all of my experience using wine.  I'm sure after the end of this class I will have much more experience and knowledge about wine.

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